Wednesday 12 January 2011

Idiot on "Chair"

"Idiot on Chair" is one of my 4 final designs from Mix Media Project. We explored the techniques of mix media; collage, plastic and fabric bonding, mono printing, etc..It was a proper wake up call for me. Me, being straigt-edge and old-fashioned, was like "I'm shit at drawing, I'm shit at arty stuff I can't come up with ideas, I'm just shit at art!!", but it wasn't about that.

 Anything could be materials for designs, anything could be inspiration and subject. I'm such a pussy won't say anythings to piss people off so I can just put in on a piece of paper instead. I can't draw like photos so let cameras do the work and I would draw however I like. I just do not give a shit if people can't understand me but appreciate if they do, and the best thing was someone did understand my thoughts, expression and what I wanted to do.

"Your project addresses some strong cultural and political viewpoints and are very personal to you, as they are aesthetically very successful  and visually strong it does not matter to the viewer if the message you are trying to communicate does not always come across. "

 The piece (above) consists a mono print of Chair by Allen Jones (below), one of the greatestestest artists I admire. I saw Chair in Liverpool Tate when I didn't know about him or the piece but just caught my eyes straight away and fell in love.

Allen Jones; Chair (1969); Painted plastic and mixed media
object: 775 x 571 x 991 mm, Sculpture

This is one of his Human Furniture collection along with Table and Hat Stand. He captures the beauty of feminineand and fetishism. It takes you to other side of the world. It gets you think, but you can never get the answer.

 I just had to include this art piece in my design in the most ironic way I could think of. Well, that would be easy. Let the Japanese Prime minster sit on the Chair. They ssay shit to make themselves look good, they spend tax on whatever they want. Prob some politicians have chairs like that fullfilling their fantasy.. Well shouldn't have said that, it sounds proper sick.

Maybe there's not much thought towards my pieces. I don't know. I did this as I wanted to feature Allen Jones, as I wanted to show that I know fuck all about politics and only thing I know is they are idiots, as I like making collage.. I just don't know but I think i've learnt something..

I would not get blame for being fucked up as long as I put it into some sort of art form!!

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